Answers To Your
Most Common Questions
How Do I Know If This is the Right Place for Me?
ReCLAIM was created to be the next step after the initial stages of grief met as a result of no longer being with your spouse due to their passing or a divorce. This class if for you if your divorce is final, if you have taken some time to grieve and process your loss, if you have been on your own a few years and are now at a place where you want to find out what is holding you back, have attended a grief or divorce recovery group. This is an opportunity to rebuild and reclaim your best blessed life.
Does This Group Require a Lot of Time and Work?
We believe that God has something special for each person who registers and commits to the ReCLAIM group. What that looks like for each person is different, however, we can give you some basics. The group meets in person weekly for 2 hours and the workbook provides five daily worksheets. Many participants spend additional time reading and researching the additional resources in the Members area.
Why is ReCLAIM Only Offered in Churches?
We believe in the importance of creating a safe place of support and encouragement with other believers. We understand the importance of learning and growing together in the context of relationships. True healing can occur in our mind, body, soul and spirit as we support each other through God’s word.
What is The Cost?
The cost is determined by the church that hosts your ReCLAIM group. Generally the cost is $20-25 to cover the workbook and possibly refreshments. Many locations also offer childcare.
Can I Join Anytime?
ReCLAIM is designed to build the curriculum week upon week. It is highly encouraged that you attend every class, particularly the first weeks. The valuable information and tools shared in the first weeks will provide the foundation to better benefit from the following weeks. However, each class provides value. Check with your location leader for their preference in joining at any time.
What if My Divorce is Not Final?
If you are still in the process of filing for divorce or waiting for the final dissolution, you most likely are not ready for the steps involved with moving forward that ReCLAIM provides. The focus of this group is moving forward which can be challenging while you are still fresh with emotions that affect every area of your life. It is our recommendation that you attend a divorce support group or catch us the next session to benefit the most from the group.
What if I Don’t Like to Talk in Groups?
Your leaders will understand that each person has their own way of participating and benefitting from the class. They will work with you to feel comfortable. This class does not spend a lot of focus on the past and require sharing more than you are comfortable, particularly after the first couple weeks. This program is focused on learning from what you have experienced and finding the blessings God has for you ahead in life.
More Questions?
Our team is always here to help answer your questions. You can reach us at the number or email below.