Your Pathway to ReCLAIM

You are not moving forward alone. Join to discover a community of love and support.

A Setback is a Setup for a Comeback. ~TD Jakes

What You Will Find…


ReCLAIM isn’t just a group, it is a community. This is the place where you can share your heart and your hopes. If you don’t have an abundance of hope, you will discover it in the context of your group and the online community. You are not alone! Surround yourself with those that understand and lift you up.


We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we do aim to provide information that will help you make sense of all those swirling thoughts, emotions and questions you have about where to go from where you are now. Join for more access to additional videos, worksheets and information to support the weekly videos.


God wants you to see yourself as He sees you. ReCLAIM and the community participants are all seeking to discover His voice and to experience the fruit that comes from being a child of the loving God. You will find others sharing what is working, scriptures, images, quotes and information to keep you going on your journey. It doesn’t end when the 12 weeks is over!


JOIN the ReCLAIM Community Online for more information to support your weekly meetings.


A community of people who share the journey of coming through grief and reclaiming their identity.


“I could not be where I am today if it were not for going through the ReCLAIM class. It helped me in so many areas of my life.”

— Cathy

“I never realized how much I was suppressing and holding back emotions. ReCLAIM helped me to identify and manage emotions so they don’t manage me.”

— Rob


“There is a lot of information in ReCLAIM. I believe I could go through it again and learn even more each time.”

— Bill

“I was widowed and hopeless. I was tired of being alone and angry to be in this position. By the end of the ReCLAIM class, I had released those unhealthy emotions and I am now excited about my life. I am here on earth to live and that is what I am going to do!

— Carol

“I never imagined that signing up for ReCLAIM after being divorced for six years would be so helpful for healing what was still there. After years of dating the wrong people, this group helped me to get really clear on what I needed to heal, areas I needed to change and what I was really looking for in another person.”

— Susan

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For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

My Pathway

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